News and Update Early July 2023
Westchester Rent Control Guidelines Board (WRBG)
Good News!!! The WRGB met last week to pass the rent adjustment for next year (for leases that begin between 10/1/23-9/30/24.) The guidelines for Westchester Rent-Stabilized Tenants are 1% increase for a one (1) year renewal, or 2% for a two (2) year renewal. This was despite the landlords’ requesting guideline increases of 6% and 10%! After the full WRGB passed the 1% and 2% guidelines the two (2) landlord representatives got up and walked out of the meeting in protest! Did you say “Isn’t that like a little kid taking his baseball home to stop the game when he didn’t like the way the game was going?” Yes, the two (2) landlord representatives are adults – go figure!
Special thanks to the two tenant representatives who did such a powerful job for us, MVUT’s own Tamara Stewart, and Sylvia Hamer of New Rochelle. Their compelling presentations were invaluable to the public members. Likewise Genevieve Roche of MVUT destroyed much of the landlords’ arguments in her presentation and analysis of their claims. Thanks to all three (3) ladies!
Right to Counsel
MVUT has played a leading role in the effort to get “Right to Counsel” protection for tenants here in Westchester for years! We’re starting to see favorable results:
On May 15 the Westchester County Board of Legislators (W-BOL) unanimously passed an “Access to Counsel” bill which will be phased in over a six (6) month period (see enclosed copy of a May 21, 2023 Sunday Journal News Article “Westchester Aims to Give Tenants Attorneys in Eviction Cases.”
On the state level the “Right to Counsel” bill that we were working on in coalition with others throughout Westchester and New York State did not come up for a vote(nor did a number of other housing bills that we were supporting.) However we’ll be gearing up for a strong campaign for passage next year. Already, the statewide coalition that has been key in this fight, Housing Courts Must Change (HCMC) is developing a plan for next year’s campaign. Dennis participated in an HCMC “Summer 2023 Campaign Retreat” upstate on June 23-25 where thirty-five (35) tenant activists, organizers, attorneys, etc. gathered to begin to focus specifically on passing statewide “Right to Counsel in 2024. We’ll be including info on how you and your building can get involved in this campaign in upcoming mailings. This will be major program effort for MVUT in the upcoming months. Stay Tuned!
Mt. Vernon Comprehensive Plan
The second Comprehensive Plan Public Workshop was held on the same evening as the WRGB vote (June 29) and MVUT was not able to be represented as a result. We’ll follow-up with staff from the Mt. Vernon Department of Planning and Community Development (MV-PCD) and get back to our members and friends in the next mailing.
We need your support! Please give generously. We had included a fundraising notice in our last mailing. Many of you responded. THANK YOU! We’re enclosing another envelope for your convenience for those who have not as yet given.
Support Tenants’ Rights!
Support Affordable Housing!!
Support MVUT ! !
Download PDFs from Mailing:
MVUT Early July Mailing page 1
MVUT Early July Mailing page 2
Westchester Aims to Give Tenants Attorneys in Eviction Cases