News and Update – Late Sept. 2023

MVUT Annual Meeting

Next Tuesday October 3, 2023 MVUT will hold its Annual Meeting (see enclosed flyer.) At the Annual Meeting we’ll elect three (3) members to our Board of Directors. MVUT has a nine (9) member board and three (3) are elected each year to serve three (3) year terms. In addition to the election of Board members, we’ll review MVUT‘s efforts of the past year and begin to plan our campaigns for the upcoming year.

Right to Counsel

As referred to above, the major public policy campaign that MVUT will be working on is “Right to Counsel.” MVUT has been involved with other housing and human rights organizations, both Countywide and Statewide in working on this issue over the past year. We’re enclosing a two(2) sided flyer “Statewide Right to Counsel (A1493/S2721): A Campaign to Guarantee Right to Counsel to Every Tenant in New York State” which explains the issue.  Part of the campaign is getting various municipalities to pass resolutions calling on the State Government to pass the bill. The Yonkers City Council is expected to pass such a resolution within the next few weeks.

Dennis has broached the issue to the Mt. Vernon City Council of having them pass such a resolution. He’ll be testifying again on September 27, and we’ll be asking our members and friends to come out to the Wednesday October 11 City Council Meeting in support of the Mt. Vernon City Council’s passing such a resolution. The City Council meets at 7:00pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month and if you want to testify at the Council Meeting you have to call the City Clerk at (914) 665-2352 by 3:00pm of the day of the meeting and give the City Clerk your name, address and the topic you will be speaking on.

To get more involved in the campaign, call the office. Tenants facing a court eviction are at an extreme disadvantage. “Right to Counsel” would begin to “level the playing field.” for tenants who often get evicted when they may have had legitimate defenses and did not know of them or did not know how to properly assert them. Help tenants fight back! Pass “Right to Counsel”!!   More info is available at:

Building News

122 North Third Avenue

The tenant association has been moving along well here. Part of the reason for their success has been the strong leadership of the acting Chairpersom Angela Brunson. However as sometimes happens in tenant organizing a leader moves. This is what’s happening here. Ms. Brunson is moving down south and will be leaving 122 North Third Avenue shortly. Fortunately, Ms. Brunson had some able assistants and Jackie Harmon is ready to step into the leadership role created by Ms Brunson’s vacature. Best of Luck to Ms. Brunson in her new home and to Ms. Harmon. Just let us know what MVUT can do for the tenants association at 122 North Third Avenue going forward.

Macedonia Towers (150 South Fifth Avenue)

On Thursday July 27 the tenants and MVUT organized a major meeting in the building.

Representatives from the Department of Buildings, the Planning Department, the Mayor’s Office, County Legislator Tyrae Woodson-Samuels, staff and the building’s management reviewed many of the tenants’ concerns, and began to schedule inspections of the various tenants’ apartments. There was a strong spirit of cooperation among most of the participants. The leading tenant organizers were Shawna Holmes and Priscilla Edmunds. They had been working with Dennis to get the various officials to attend. The Tenant Association is following up on the individual apartment complaints.

For those who don’t know her, Priscilla Edmunds was instrumental in the planning for this meeting. At the time of the planning and the meeting she was weeks away from her 100th birthday!!! She turned 100 on Monday September 4, and on Saturday September 2 the members of Macedonia Baptist Church threw a birthday party for Priscilla with over a hundred (100+) guests! It was a great event with Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard and former Mayor Ernie Davis — each praising Priscilla’s long and distinguished service. Dennis served as Emcee of the event. And then on her birthday on Monday they had her magnified picture on the electronic scoreboard at Mt. Vernon’s newly rehabilitated Memorial Field. (See on reverse side of Annual Meeting Notice!) All-in-all a well deserved recognition. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY PRISCILLA!!!

Housing is A Human Right!

We’ve included an article by Sasha Abramson, “Other Countries Know Housing is a Human Right. Why Doesn’t America?” about the different responses to housing and homelessness between Europeail cities and American west coast cities.

Support Tenants’ Rights!

Support Affordable Housing! !

Support MVUT ! !






At our Annual Meeting, we will be electing three (3) members to our Board ofDirectors. MVUT has a nine (9) member Board and three (3) seats come for election every year. Members serve a three (3) year term. All paid members of MVUT are eligible to vote.

If you are interested in serving on our Board give Dennis Hanratty, the Executive Director a call at (914) 699-1114, ext. 303.

We will review lots of exciting news:

  • Eviction Prevention successes
  • Building Organizing news
  • Updates on Policy Campaigns

And begin making plans for the upcoming yearts Campaigns.

Come to the Annual Meeting! Get involved in one (1) or more of the important issues/campaigns listed above! Help us win more victories and become even stronger! Help us raise funds to improve even more!!!

Refreshments served afterwards.

Please call 699-1114, ext. 303 for further information


Yes, I want to help MVUT win even more victories.  I’m enclosing my  contribution of $ 20 for my basic annual membership.  I want to do even more, enclosed is my contribution of:

$ 25,$ 50,$ 100, $ 200 or Other





Download PDFs:

MVUT Late Sept 2023 News and Update (Download PDF)

Statewide Right to Counsel Campaign (Download PDF)

Housing is a Human Right (Download PDF)

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