Articles from July 2011

Mid-July 2011 Update

Mid-July 2011 News & Updates

The last few months have been incredibly busy for Mt. Vernon United Tenants. In addition to our ongoing work preventing evictions, organizing tenant associations and educating tenants about their rights, we’ve just seen the end of a two (2) year campaign to renew and strengthen the state’s rent laws and simultaneously we concluded the annual Westchester Rent Guidelines Board (WRGB) process.

Real Rent Reform (R3) Campaign: This campaign has dominated our program work for the past six (6) to nine (9) months. We’ve been organizing throughout Westchester – hosting workshops, sponsoring repeated and regular bus and van trips to Albany, facilitating letter-writing, meeting with state legislators locally, getting various government bodies throughout Westchester to pass resolutions in support of the campaign’s goals, writing letters to The Editor, and much more.

What was the result? We Won!